
A new extension, "Markdown Typography" is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

This looks cool but I'm confused, what does this add over the default Markdown extension? Would it be possible to merge your refinements into the default one, and have a separate German-optimised version? I'm unsure of what the differences are.

This extension gets rid of the HTML purifier and only supports Markdown Extra with Smartypants. The German typography is added after the default Markdown and Smartypants parsing.

Would it be possible to merge your refinements into the default one ...

Yes, of course. I wasn't sure about the direction the default extension will take and just needed a lightweight version for a personal project. So I thought it would be nice to share the code. It would be simple to add additional settings for other languages, too.

Would it be possible to merge your refinements into the default one, and have a separate German-optimised version?

Or even have forked and sent a pull request on what was already there.

Tony, there is a fork since a long time. This extension doesn't use PHP Typography as I think it's not well suited to transform longer texts - it only shares the name.

I deserved that.

Do you mind if I pull your fixes back to the main repository?

Please do!

Markdown Typography
Markdown Extra, Smartypants and typographic refinements for Symphony.

    By Nils
    Version 1.0
    Released 10 June 2011

Nils, you are a magician? How could you release the plugin in June 10th, 2011? Stop building sites, build castles and Lamborghinis for each of us )))))

Hah, nice one. No magic at all, just a 6 instead of a 5. Should be "fixed" :)

Hey Nils,

good job, thanks a lot!

German Typography converts hyphens at the ends of words to en-dashes:

Kultur- und Medieneinrichtungen


Kultur– und Medieneinrichtungen

but should retain a hyphen.

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