
Hey, everybody!

I and my team got tired of keeping all and the same extensions up-to-date, forming all the time essential extensions sets, and keeping git multi-submodule repos in understandable state.

I suggest writing an application, desktop or cloud whatever to get all the extensions updated and easily managed all the time one need the same like ruby gems works.

its almost 3 hundred now and I personally can name 100-somthing that are used in almost every project.

So the questions are:

  1. who's going to join us?
  2. maybe something has already been done in this direction?
  3. what solutions do you use for everyday symphony development

Hi Igor,

The subject is under discussion within the working groups, although I think for Symphony 3 rather than 2.

I think it would be better for the community if such a thing were built either into the core, or as an extension of Symphony itself, rather than a cloud/desktop app, the functionality to add a page or modify pages in the backend exists, so I reckon the extensions page can be modified by an extension to offer better services... (someone correct me if I'm wrong).

There's a lot of work beginning to polish up the extension collection for Symphony 2, so this could be a good thing to include.

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