
A new extension, "Resize Upload" is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

I hope this will save someone a few hours, and nerves.

When I add this extension to my extensions folder it causes the backend to be blank and not load (Safari) and 500 error (Chrome).

Fresh copy of 2.2.1

Edit: Fixed. Folder downloaded from Github had '-' dashes in the folder name, which break Symphony

There is a typo. The extension is called 'Resize Upladed Image Files'

Thanks, fixed the typo.

The extension name (the one that appears in the system->exstensions panel) is irrelevant, but the extension folder must have the extension class name, e.g. Class extension_resizeupload must be located in a folder named resizeupload.

Unfortunately git adds a name prefix to the gzip/zip download. You can add simply add extensions via git from within the symphony root directory git submodule add git://repo/extension-name extensions/extension-name

When I upload image.jpg with this plugin enabled, it uploads it as temp_image.jpg instead. Why is this? This breaks any URLs to image.jpg.

whoopsy daisy.

Thanks, this should now be fixed, though I cannot recreate this behaviour. Please check the latest commit.

Ok, updated the extension. There was an issue that files would be renamed, even if they don't need to be resized. This should now be fixed Did this solve your problem? On what system are you running Symphony?

Kind regards, Thomas

Resize Upload updated to version 1.0.2 on 20th of June 2011

Event Delegation changed, so please re-install it after updating.

There is a way to make it works with the unique-upload-field?

Well, actually it should. Does it work for you on normal upload fields?

It works for normal upload fields, but doesn't for unique and advanced upload

hm, works here with unique upload field. Why would you need this extension if advanced upload field does work for you?

Oh, I never noticed the resize option in advanced upload field, because I used it for the first time to test the resize upload, thanks!!! But it's so strange that it doesn't work for the unique upload field (in my installation).

@iwyg. This doesn't work for me when using the Unique field upload field. Works fine for normal upload field. Would be great to be able to use it with the unique upload as I use that in most cases.

Let me know if I can help debug it.

As I mentioned before, here on my test setup both work well and therefore i can't debug this issue.

Did you try to uninstall both extensions and install resizeupload first and then uniquploadfiled?

Ok, you were right :D

Resize Upload updated to version 1.0.3 on 12th of July 2011

@stuartgpalmer, @bambocci: Does it work for you?

The extension is still on 1.0.2 on 2011-06-18 and doesn't work with unique upload field.

yea, was my fault, didn' t change version number. The file should be fine though

@iwyg The version on GIT is now broken (I'm using it with Symphony 2.2.2). You get a white screen on the Extensions page once the files are there. This seems to be due to a problem in extension.driver.php around line 143. I have updated this...

        $label = Widget::Label('Maximum Image Width');
            General::Sanitize(Symphony::Configuration()->get('max_w', 'resizeupload'))

... to this...

        $label = Widget::Label('Maximum Image Width');
            General::Sanitize(Symphony::Configuration()->get('max_w', 'resizeupload'))

.. and the errors go away.

Then the bomb dropped an I realised that the web host doesn't run ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick. So I can't tell you if it actually works. I have a release today so can't fiddle on another server, but when I get time I'll test the functionality using the unique file upload field.

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