
A new extension, "Save and Return/New" is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

Save and Return/New updated to version 1.1 on 26th of June 2011

Now compatible with the Static Section whereas the buttons are not display in a Static Section

For the compatibility info, seems to be fine with 2.2.3.

(Symphony devs: is this kind of reporting useful/desired, or do you do a more formal testing procedure anyway?)

It's useful, we'd like to explore ways of making this a more collaborative effort as well instead of solely reliant upon the extension developer updating this information.

But yeah, it's useful. I'm sure @nitriques will update the table when he gets the chance :)

@DavidOliver: can you check my extensions as well :)

Yes, I have updated the compatibility info. Thanks for reporting!

Hi Nitriques,

I think your extension is not compatible to the "Static Section" extension. Than i found this nice Button in the newest GetSipmple CMS beta version.

Check the Attachments

gs_hover.jpg and gs_normal.jpg

Hum... I am not aware of the GetSipmple CMS ... (is there a spelling mistake ?)

And I am not even sure that its usign my extension... This is not the behavior I coded!

And strange thing, your screen shot shows a 'clone' option, which is not part of this extension...

I am right ?

BTW, I updated the code for the static section conformity a while ago... maybe when need to update this.... Which Symphony version are you running with ?

I use: Symphony 2.2.4, Static Section 1.6.1 and Save and Return 1.2

The "Get Simple" Button is just a sample to show you how you can make the "save and Return" button a little bit smoother.

Oh my God you should have told this to me!

I would love to but I rather stick with Sym CSS and conventions in the backend...

What's the problem then ?

Save and Return/New Buttons updated to version 1.3 on 21st of February 2012

This extension was very much needed, Thanks Nitriques.

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