

I am a complete n00b and I just installed the CMS onto my server following everything outlined in the Installation tutorial.

Now I'm going through the first tutorial and am getting an error.

First of all, the installation procedures actually suggested that I start with a pre-built workspace structure so the CMS is not really empty as suggested by the tutorial - though thats besides the point.

I am at the step to setup the home page which I cannot, so I decided to create a new page called "Hello Home" with a URL of hello. But the system gave me a permission denied error and I can't do anything about it.

What should I do?

For your info, I've attached screenshots of my UI together with the error messages which is specifically, in text:

fopen(/home/sml/prj/ failed to open stream: Permission denied

An error occurred in /home/sml/prj/ around line 837

837: if(!$handle = @fopen($file, $mode)) {

Much thanks in advance!

As the other thread, has tried 755 and 777.

Hey sorry - I completely mistaken the forum message as not being able to post (thus the dup).

Anyway, I feel uneasy about changing permisions to 777 - which did work.

But more importantly, it seems that I only need to change the folders: pages/ data-sources/ etc to 777 and it would work. Could it be that all the files inside workspace is owned by me? I had a glance in ownership for the new page that I just created and they're owned by www-data:www-data


Try 775 on the folder(s) in question and it may work.

Ok this is somewhat bizarre, but it seems that when I am logging into the symphony CMS on my PC, 775 on folder won't work, whereas if I log onto the admin on my Mac, 775 for folders would work. Pretty bizarre!... especially since the server is on Linux. I can't figure out what the client has to do with it...

i have the same issue if i upload a file from the front end and logged in the admin part the file is getting uploaded, if i log out from the admin the file is not getting uploaded any solutions?

Jeeva this is not the same issue at all. The original issue was about permissions and creating page XSLT files within Symphony. You are talking about uploading files via frontend events, and these not working when you signed out of Symphony. Please open a new thread for this, and provide us with more information.

A basic drillfown of rights managament in *nix systems (linux / unix / freeBSD OSX) tells us that: 7 = user 7 = group 5 = everyone.

What is the user:group configuration and which user is running your webserver? In most linux configurations, the user running Apache HTTP Deamon would be "apache".

Is this user also configured as owner of the DocumentRoot folder, or member of the group that has access to this location? If not, it will be granted the permission set for "Everyone". This will work if you set it to 777, but will fail if it is 755.

"chown -R apache:apache [path/to/documentRoot]" will probably fix your issue.

"Ok this is somewhat bizarre, but it seems that when I am logging into the symphony CMS on my PC, 775 on folder won't work, whereas if I log onto the admin on my Mac, 775 for folders would work."

By default, on OSX, folder are created with user:admin ownership. The admin user is member of the admin group, hence in this case it will be granted the group permission (7). When logged into your OSX instance as admin, you will probably also start the Apache server as admin.

Normally, on OSX, apache runs as user "nobody", which will full under the "Everyone" permission configuration.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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