
Guys, how can one replace fields in a section? E.g. i have a section with dozens of entries. Each entry contains one ordinary upload field (with jpg uploaded). How can i replace this field with the Unique upload field?

You're in luck. Both the core Upload Field and the Unique Upload Field extension share the same database schema (the tables that hold their data have the same columns).

  1. Install the Unique Upload Field extension
  2. View your database with phpMyAdmin or Sequel Pro
  3. Open sym_fields and find the row of your existing upload field and note its id. Change the value in the type column from upload to uniqueupload
  4. Open sym_fields_upload, find the row where the field_id matches the id from the first table, and remove the row
  5. Open sym_fields_uniqueupload and add a row setting the field_id to the id of the first table

Thanks a lot, Nick. The task was achieved successfully :)

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