
hai every one,

There is a 404 page not found error shown when i click on a perticular link.but all other links are could this happens

Rohit, this is a gentle community with a lot of people willing to help but you are starting a lot of threads without giving us any clues how to help you. Keep in mind:


  1. Be polite – We're proud of how helpful and responsive our community is, and you're a part of that.
  2. Be proactive – Search the forum. Read the docs. Google it. Don't ask others to help you if you're not willing to help yourself.
  3. Be clear – Take the time to explain yourself clearly and thoroughly. Include code samples and other details.

We cannot help you when you say "It does not work". First, help yourself. Second, if you cannot come to a solution by yourself, post as much information as you have.


Closing this thread. Duplicate of including pagination.

Rohit, you have started 14 threads in 14 days. We understand that some people need more support than others, but please consider becoming an active member of the community by helping others out too.

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