
Hi, extension gurus!

After long tinkering with various approaches, DS alterations, and so forth, I finally decided to try to throw this "idea" in to the public.

I believe, that many of you have experienced situations where multiple filters must be passed via url, but some of them are optional (and afterwards enumerated in DS filtering options).

So the basic idea for extension is to predefine a global term, which, when used as a value in an URL, will be treated as a blank/unset value in DS filtering part, but all following variables (slashes) won't loose their meaning.

Use case examples:

(works out of the box, as all filters are explicitly provided).

(ups - no such clothing type: blue)

Extension kicks in with predefined wildcard value (any):


In DS "any" is treated as a set, but unset variable and is given a fallback value:

{previous filter}
{next filter}

I hope this makes sense.

I know, that there is an ugly GET-a-way, but it is, well..., ugly :)


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