
I've deleted the "ZenCoding" extension from my symphony install, and upgraded to the last release of symphony using update.php. I am getting this error when trying to access the Symphony backend.

Any suggestions?

Could not find extension at location /home/content/c/h/r/christfamilych/html/extensions/zencoding/extension.driver.php
/home/content/c/h/r/christfamilych/html/symphony/lib/toolkit/class.extensionmanager.php line 617

612         if(!isset(self::$_pool[$name])){
613             $classname = $this->__getClassName($name);
614             $path = $this->__getDriverPath($name);
616             if(!is_file($path)){
617                 throw new Exception(
618                     __('Could not find extension at location %s', array($path))
619                 );
620             }

a) put the extension back, uninstall it properly, then delete it

b) go into your db, into the sym_extensions table, and delete the row for that extension

czheng, thanks for the reply. I'll have to delete the entry in my database.

Dealing with extensions sometimes feels like this: Put the candle back ;-)


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