
It came to my ears that our Symphony Documentation Working Group lead, Jonas Downey, has got a new job:

Congrats, Jonas!!!

Bam! Go Jonas - that's awesome news!

Nice one! Walked passed their building almost every day when I lived in Chicago. Lucky, man!

Congrats, and enjoy.

Wow, many thanks everyone! (On a related note, my Symphony-powered site took a brief beating today and kept on chugging, yay for that :)

Wow, that's amazing! Congratulations :)


Yeah! Free Basecamp accounts for all!

Oh wait, they already give them away for free :D

Perhaps he can convince the folks at 37signals to aquire Github :D

Yeah I'm wondering what Jonas thought when we decided to ditch Basecamp for our WG discussions. :-P

Cool beans, indeed, congrats!

@phoque: heh, it's OK, we have to choose the tools that best fit our needs and budget. I do still miss some of BC's features for us, though...

@jonasd congrats man, really cool. I'll be eagerly awaiting the first SVN blogpost advocating Symphony (no pressure) :-P

Congrats Jonas!

And look, his face is right there on the new Basecamp page:

Congrats on the launch, Jonas! Does that mean you get credit for (at least some of) the snazzy new UI? Job well done, for sure.

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