
I threw together a great little utility that makes manipulating the DOM a breeze. Well, that's the plan anyways. I wrote about it here:

Not publicly releasing it yet, but I'm sure one or two of you would be interested in helping me test it out. Might be a useful addition to Symphony. Who knows.

Anyhow, suggestions are always welcome!

Wilhelm, this looks very handy indeed. Up to now I have been using phpQuery but I'm not sure if the project is still active. Looking forward to a release!

Wow, I've heard of phpQuery before, but never really gave it a test run. Seems overly complicated, though. I do like how they incorporated CSS3 selector functionality into it. I still think that XPath seems like a better fit for something like this.

The cool thing about DomQuery is that you can easily extend upon the functionality by creating a helper child class or even some user-defined functions / method that can be executed by using the 'walk' method.

Still, a great looking project. Judging from their blog, they made an update a few months ago. I'll play around with it to get some ideas for DomQuery.

Was actually thinking about creating some extra functionality in DomQuery so I can include other, HTML-specific, jQuery functionality.

I'll tidy this thing up and probably create a Google code repos for it tonight. :)

Well, I went ahead and decided to release it:


GitHub is the way forward, man :-)

I'll pass this around at work — looks very neat.

Color me retarded, I didn't even realize they offered free code hosting for open source projects. I'll get right on create a repository for DomQuery. In the mean time, I already updated the build. Just redownload the package.

I'll be writing some detailed documentation and some use-cases within the next week.


Seems a great script to include in an extension, looking for certain XML values and using PHP to perform functions not so easily achieved with XSLT (or more easy when you are used to PHP), e.g. math functions. As always, great work Wilhelm!

Glad you guys like it so far!

I'll be adding a few more enhancements tonight.

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