

I maintain a project that tracks versions of installed web software and notifies site owners when there is a security update available. It looks like Symphony keeps its current version number in manifest/config.php. Can someone post or send me a sanitized copy of that file (please remove any sensitive information from it!).

Thanks, -Konstantin

Here's the config.php file for a default install of Symphony 2.2.3:


    $settings = array(

        ###### ADMIN ######
        'admin' => array(
            'max_upload_size' => '5242880',

        ###### SYMPHONY ######
        'symphony' => array(
            'pagination_maximum_rows' => '17',
            'allow_page_subscription' => '1',
            'lang' => 'en',
            'version' => '2.2.3',
            'pages_table_nest_children' => 'yes',
            'strict_error_handling' => 'yes',
            'cookie_prefix' => 'sym-',
            'session_gc_divisor' => '10',

        ###### LOG ######
        'log' => array(
            'archive' => '1',
            'maxsize' => '102400',

        ###### GENERAL ######
        'general' => array(
            'sitename' => 'Symphony CMS',
            'useragent' => 'Symphony/2.2.3',

        ###### IMAGE ######
        'image' => array(
            'cache' => '1',
            'quality' => '90',

        ###### DATABASE ######
        'database' => array(
            'character_set' => 'utf8',
            'character_encoding' => 'utf8',
            'runtime_character_set_alter' => '1',
            'query_caching' => 'default',
            'host' => 'localhost',
            'port' => '3306',
            'user' => 'symphony',
            'password' => NULL,
            'db' => 'symphony',
            'sym_prefix' => 'sym_',

        ###### PUBLIC ######
        'public' => array(
            'display_event_xml_in_source' => 'yes',

        ###### REGION ######
        'region' => array(
            'time_format' => 'H:i',
            'date_format' => 'd F Y',
            'datetime_separator' => ' ',
            'timezone' => 'America/Vancouver',

        ###### FILE ######
        'file' => array(
            'write_mode' => '0775',

        ###### DIRECTORY ######
        'directory' => array(
            'write_mode' => '0775',

Thanks very much!

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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