
I'm new to Symphony and find it absolutely wonderful. But reading through some of Stephen Bau's (now somewhat outdated) tutorials and comparing V.2, it seems there's no File Manager in the latest Beta. Is a File Manager coming?

It's been removed from core, but I believe those capabilities will be developed in an extension at some point.

Is a File Manager coming?

The idea is that you define your own using a section.

File manager is coming -- with a vengeance!

If it wasn't I'd be happy to use jumploader as an extension, it's java but it works (including thumbs) and it's localized. Curious to see what you come up with Allen...

Thanks for the replies! ;-)

I'm starting to play with media/image manger functionality, and was thinking of adding some type of filesystem access, then I remembered the file manager... Just wondering if it will be rejoining us in rev6?

What I recall is that it will likely come back, but not as part of the core. I seem to recall a thread that mentions that it will be an extension. I think this is it.

I seem to recall a thread that mentions that it will be an extension.

Indeed. Alistair is working on an extension that will allow you to upload, delete, and edit file permissions. I think he's been busy with rev6, but I imagine he will release the file browser extension soon because much of the work is done.

How's the file manager extension coming on Alistair?

Unfortunately I haven't had time to look at it. Soon perhaps.

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