
I can't seem to find an extension or trick to add a field that allows me to have an auto incrementing field added to a section. At first I thought: "lets just use the entry id", but these will also be used for other sections, so in this way we'll be missing some numbers. Anybody know a good solution?

I have the Incremental Number Field, not to be confused with Nick's Increment Number which works slightly differently.

It was built to work as an order number field. Hope this is what you mean?

If this doesn't work properly, let me know and I'll fix it, it hasn't been released yet.

Exactly what I needed. I only needed this modification to get it working:

-       Class field_incremental_number extends Field{
+       Class fieldincremental_number extends Field{

@designermonkey: Can you tell me what's the difference between your extension and Nick's?

John's Incremental Number is designed for things like invoice or order numbers, which increment globally within a section (each time a new entry is created). My Increment Number extension increments every time the entry is pulled through a data source, so it's useful as a hit counter.

@frenkel: Thanks for pointing that out, could you submit a pull request on github?

@michael-e: what @nickdunn said ;o)

Thanks! So I should definitely watch both of them.

I should get round to releasing it at some point. Just dubious about two names being so similar.

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