
So i am trying to make my own nav. Besides the template "Archice and About" links in my nav. How do i add or change those? i cant seem to find it. I just started using this yesterday.

thanks for the help

The built-in navigation datasource should show you all pages (blueprints>Pages) that are not marked as hidden.

There are alot of ways to create a unique url on a symphony site, but the only ones that the default navigation datasource will show you are 'Symphony Pages' created under blueprints.

Hopefully that causes less confusion than it removes...

Thanks, That cleared up alot. Thanks so much

One more thing. Once again this is mostley very easy. But i made a new page and added the master.xsl which i thought would keep the nav at the top but once i go to the new page the nav at the top is gone. Any ideas?

You should add the datasource "navigation" to your page, otherwise data won't be included.
Blueprints->Pages->Your page->Configure->Data Sources->Navigation

Hope it helps.

awesome. Thanks. This is becoming the coolest thing ever!

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