
I moved to Vancouver from Italy a few months ago and I'm having somehow a hard time selling Symphony to my clients here, so I'm curious to know how many Symphony-freaks like me are around to organize some kind of meet-up group or alike to get to know each other and possibly make Symphony a little more popular.

So don't be shy, if someone is interested just say hello world and we will start from there.

Domain7, where @bauhouse works has a Vancouver office :) From memory they use Symphony for client and internal sites.

Actually, I've been meaning to contact you. Your resume crossed my desk. I just started a three-week vacation, so I'm open to meeting whenever you might be available.

A Vancouver meet up would be a very welcome idea.

Hi Stephen, thanks for replying, of course I would be very happy to meet you, if it's ok I will just send you an email @d7 so we can arrange a place an a time.

If somebody else is interested in a Vancouver meet-up group... we are 2 and counting...

I'm going to be in Vancouver early next year (Easter)...

Bring gumboots and contact me, I'll be honored to meet and show you around!

@nanymor, thanks for the meet up. It was great to chat about Symphony and see what you're doing with it. Really nice work.

@Joseph, it would be great to meet up with you this year! Let us know when you arrive and we'll send the welcome wagon.

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