
I have a section with a select box link field. I want to use a number of fields from the entry selected in the select box link field in my reflection, however it seems only the id and value of the select box link field are available. Is there another extension or field for this?

Thanks in advance.

You have a reflectionfield and need some field values from an entry linked in a SBL?

I'm not sure but this sounds like Subsection Manager behaviour you're looking for.

After looking in the code of these fields, I guess I'll have to write some delegates attached to EntryPostCreate and EntryPostEdit and fill in the reflection field myself. I don't see another possibility.

@davidhund Suppose I have a section called Client and a secion called Invoice. The Invoice should copy 10 fields from the Client entry to the Invoice entry. Is that possible using Subsection Manager?

Don't bother with customising the code, the Subsection Manager does this perfectly, and is easy to use in the Reflection Field, I do it a lot.

When you have your SSM field in the section, the Reflection Field will build the entry XML for you, including the elements you have selected in your SSM setup.

Easy peasy.

Ah, great! Thanks a lot for the help, this will save me tons of time :)

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