
Hi I have a concept where I am trying to make it so that when a User Registers on my website they are asked for certain criteria. This criteria is then automatically added or referenced in a generic content template with a unique page for each member who has signed up. Guests will be able to view any of these pages with a simple url of

I know that symphony is a powerful tool and I am very much still learning alot about CMSystems I have a good mind for dabbling in all sorts of languages so syntax is just my main downfall. Does anyone know if this possible could you help me get started please?

Member Guest

Member1 - Criteria *Name: Joe Bloggs Email: Unique URL: Unique Words1: blabber Unique Words2: jabber Unique Words3: dobber *

Guest - Visit The page home contains unique words1 being blabber inside a generic automated generated content which I can set. another page contains UniqueWords2 being jabber and maybe UniqueWords3 dobber aswell inside a generic automated generated content which I can set.

You should certainly use the Members extension, which adds registration/sign in functionality to Symphony's frontend. In terms of giving a user their own page you have two options:

  1. A single /user/ page (doesn't matter that it's called) onto which you attach a data source that fetched the signed in member's profile and displays it. If not signed in, this page displays something else (using XSLT)
  2. A page /user/:username/ so you pass the user's username on the URL, such as /user/nickdunn/ which then finds the user and displays their profile

The first is a "private" profile that a user can only see when they are signed in — all users visit the same URL to see their profile. The second is a public profile, so that every user has their own URL (using their username, or perhaps a hash/token) to view it.

I'm not sure what you mean by "criteria3"...

the criteria3 is the criteria that is used to generate the unique URL address for a guest to enter into their browser.

It could be any one of the criteria but as an example I am trying to populate unique URL addresses from a user specified criteria. a little bit like twitter i guess but its not a twitter clone.

The other criteria I would ask the registering person for will be used to fill in a generic template of content for their visitors so each registering member has a unique template of generic content based off their criteria that I asked them for during registration. Then these registered people will simply give the unique URL to their visitors

sorry if my explanation isnt so great, thanks for all your help so far.

is this possible do you know?

Yes, check out the Members extension as Nick suggested.

I have looked at this now thank you both, My head is banging lol after a good few hours and i'm sort of a little better off than i was before. Still a long long long way to go.

I am struggling to understand how this all fits together its not very clear.

You have a URL:

Can we break it down into how symphony displays the information please?

I realise we have: Pages Components Sections

What does the Page Run from? What does the Component Run from? What does the Section Run from?

This CMS platform is very good I am still finding the documentation a little sparse! can you give me a better idea please so my head can link everything together. If you can give it tailored to the public member profiles like above that would be great. I'm not asking for you to do this for me just a little kick up the rear :)

Richard, I recommend you start with the Hello World Tutorial.

Also, take a look at this very helpful Visual Overview.

There's lots more for you to read under the "Learn" tab above. What you want to do is very possible but it's a hard place to start if you're new.

Yes, definitely run through the Hello World tutorial first, it explains what pages, sections and fields are. In short:

  • a Page is a URL, such as /page/ which comprises its URL, you attach "components" (events and data sources) which both output XML which is presented to the page XSLT (which transforms this XML into HTML)
  • a Section is like a database table. It is a "content type" such as an Article, a Comment, a Member (in your example)
  • a section is comprised one or more Fields (like database columns), so in your Member section you might have fields for name, email address, date of birth and profile image

The Members extension for Symphony provides custom fields that you add to a section. Instead of using a plain "text input" field for your member email address (which is a dumb field that just stores text), you would use a Member Email field and a Member Password field instead. They look like plain text input fields, but provide extra functionality like signing in/out (user sessions) and password resetting.

Work through the two Hello World and Say Hello to Symphony tutorials which will explain these concepts through demonstration.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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