
I have a 2.2.3 Symphony install that has stopped functioning properly. I can no longer select anything in the admin interface. (As in: select something, then "with selected..." do this.) Also in the section editor, the field editor just shows up as a bunch of fields, that I cant do anything with. Certain extensions also seem to have stopped working.

I'm wondering what could cause this and how I should proceed.

Thanks, Teak

Sounds like there is something wrong with the admin JavaScript. Do you have JS disabled in your browser? Also, if you have Firebug or the web inspector installed/enabled, check if any javascript errors are being reported.

Which browser and version are you using?

I'm using Safari, which has a built in web inspector. When I look in that it shows a "ReferenceError:" for what seem to be all the admin ".js" files. So it would seem like you are correct.

Any suggestions as to what to do?

(Also my JS is not disabled...)

Strange, I've never had any major js issues like this before. Can you confirm that you can access the JS files from your browser? eg: http://example.local/symphony/assets/symphony.collapsible.js

Have you installed any extensions recently? One may be attempting to pull in some invalid script. Try disabling any recently added extensions.

As you do this, check in Chrome as well. Safari has some pretty aggressive caching techniques, which may make it appear that the problem still exists after you've already found the cause.

Wow, all fixed. First I tried in Chrome, and everything worked. After that I just went back to Safari, and after I read your last comment about caching, I just reloaded without using caching and everything worked fine... (I held the shift key down to reload without using caching. Should work in all browsers too.)

Before now I had never had problems with Safari's caching.

Yeah, it crops up from time to time. Mine gets particularly adamant about caching 404s, which is infuriating.

Glad it's sorted now :)

Safari is caching very agressively, that's why I started using GET params with (pseudo) timestamps for my websites' JS and CSS files. And yes, it's also caching redirects, which is annoying as well. I frequently clear the cache (ALT+CMD+e) and reload pages afterwards.

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