
I have a Symphony site with a section that contains aprox 4500 records. In the back-end, I'm showing 10 fields in the overview table. These overview tables load pretty slow compared to the rest of the site. Think: 8 seconds instead of < 1 second for a section that contains 11000 records and has 4 fields in the overview table.

Anybody know what the problem might be? I'm running latest stable on a server with 4GB memory.

It's probably the combination of the amount of showed fields and the type of the fields in your slow section. Section link fields (SBL, SSM, ...) need more queries because they have to get information about the linked sections. Are there many section link fields in the slow section?

Are you using the Publishing Filter extension?

The fields are text field or reflection fields, so no sub queries have to be done. I'm using the publishing filter extension indeed.

Are you sorting a column? Try appending ?unsort to the end of the URL to remove any column sort. I've found this can improve query performance.

Not sorting means the view is pretty useless. I can't find what I need without sorting (for example: latest added item on top)


Well, aparently it doesn't matter, ?unsort is not faster :(

I'm using the publishing filter extension indeed.

What happens when you disable this extension?

What happens when you disable this extension?

Ooh yes, it's likely because the SBL and SSM fields are preloading all of their options into memory to populate the filtering dropdown. It's been on my list for a long time to update the extension to lazy-load these, only when you need them. When Symphony 2.3 is out I'll be updating it.

Oh right, that's probably the issue here. Can I disable this for SBL and SSM fields? Filterting is never done on these anyway.

Try adding these field names into the incompatible array:

The field names can be gleaned from your sym_fields table.

Great, adding 'subsectionmanager' makes everything flying fast now. Thank you so much!

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