

I really like the new Navigation Group option on the Section edit screen.

One small thought, could this behave a bit like a tag list field with a list of existing values displayed under the text input?

Obviously - unlike tags - you'd only be able to enter one value.


Is parent pages not what you're looking for? What are you hoping to achieve?

Its a suggestion, I'm not really trying to achieve anything.

There is a new feature where you can define what Navigation Group a section appears in. I thought it might be nice if there was a list of existing Navigation Groups values (a bit like when a tag list has a row of links below it).



Good idea - in fact, the suggestion list was in my original mockups for the Navigation Group option, I guess Alistair just forgot to add this. It will be in Symphony's next release.

(Also, strangely, that "Hide this section from the Publish menu" checkbox is still around, for no reason, so that should go too.)

Do you mean hiding sections from the navigation does not make sense? I use it frequently!

Or would the section simply be hidden if you leave the input empty?

I would keep the checkbox, just change the wording: "Hide this section from the Navigation menus". It's often useful to keep the interface as simple as possible for the user, without adding a menu item that may be necessary for the intended functionality but not for the user experience.

Even if author control becomes more robust, and the visible menus can be customized for Developers and Authors, I still think it would be useful to hide menu items, only revealing what is necessary for every day usage.

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