
I am attempting to set up a form that receives input and sends an email to a specific address. I have the data sources, email page, and form page set up and working correctly. Everything works as it should, but for some reason the email with the information that the form gathered is never sent. The event returns "success" but still not email.

Any ideas? I'm kind of on a time crunch. Thanks!

  • Under System > Preferences what mail sending type are you using?
  • Is your server set up to send email?
  • Try a simple PHP mail() script to test first
  • Does it work locally and not on your production server?

Thanks for the reply, Nick. I have tried both SMTP and the regular mailing options in the Preferences and I am adding this onto a currently live site. I will try the mail() suggestion. What doesn't make any sense is that other emails managed the same way are working as expected.

I used this mail script to test it, and it returned successful, but I have still not received an email from it.

$to = "";
$subject = "Hi!";
$body = "Hi,nnHow are you?";
if (mail($to, $subject, $body)) {
  echo("<p>Message successfully sent!</p>");
} else {
  echo("<p>Message delivery failed...</p>");

What doesn't make any sense is that other emails managed the same way are working as expected

Other emails sent using Symphony's Email Template Filter or Send Mail event option?

If nothing has come through from the mail() function then it looks like this is a problem with your web server and perhaps not Symphony. Try talking to your hosting provider maybe?

Thanks nick! I will contact the host and see if they can help me out.

Silly question: have you checked your Gmail spam inbox?

I had exactly the same issue just now (locally).

My event passes and ETM correctly stores the 'message' entries but mail is not sent. When I tested with the PHP mail script that also echo'ed "Success" and the test e-mail message was delivered correctly.

Then my older messages started to get delivered! Some from 2 days ago.

It seems my PHP mail() test triggered a (local) sendmail queue to be processed or something...

I know little of how my local PHP sendmail stuff works but I assume there is some sort of queue that, somehow, got 'jammed'. Maybe this is also the case with you?

We invented the SMTP gateway in Symphony to get rid of exactly these problems. The Sendmail socket is not always reliable, and accepting emails can simply mean spooling them to disk.

So if possible, you shouldn't use Sendmail. Prefer SMTP!

It's a bit unclear to me how you attempt to send emails. ETF? ETM? A custom event?

Now, I tried this 'trick' on the client's 'live' server and it does not work: the test PHP mail() delivers fine but the ETM mails do not get delivered.

The funny/annoying thing is that I am on the same server of another Symphony install (almost 100% similar) and these work with sendmail.

I'll have to try with SMTP.

So if possible, you shouldn't use Sendmail. Prefer SMTP!

Agreed. It looks like you've got a Gmail account, so you can use this. In System > Preferences use your name and Gmail address, as the host, port 465 (SSL), tick "Requires authentication" then enter your full Gmail address and password.

But please check your Gmail spam folder — several times I have thought email was not working only to find hundreds of test emails in there!

@nickdunn these might be n00bish questions but:

  • This is for a client's site and I'd rather not use/'expose' my details in the SMTP ('from') headers
  • Should the client's hoster not provide SMTP stuffz?

and lastly: how come this ('sendmail') works fine on an almost 100% similar Symphony site on the exact same server? The client runs several sites from one hosting account. The first runs fine, the others, not so much…

edit: I realize you probably cannot answer that last question ;)


Okay, I definitely need more coffee (or rather, sleep)…

My issue (most likely) is safe_mode :/ For some reason this was set to "On" for this particular site (local master remains "off").

I checked Symphony's logs (yeah, just now :/) and found an ETM exception simply spelling it out. double-duh

I'm going to bed, @ctruett make sure to check /manifest/logs/main for Email Template Manager exceptions :)

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