
Today I cannot login to my symphony site.

I've tried requesting the forgot password method, but everything I try fails.

When I try loggining in with a different username/password, it just takes me back to the login screen (without an error).

Can anybody help, I desperately need to get in!

I have direct access to the database if that helps.


the quick and dirty way would be to execute this in a php -a console:

echo sha1('lolpassword');

where lolpassword is your new password. take the output of that and replace the password field in sym_authors for the relevant author.

there may be a better way, but this is how i've solved this issue in the past. if your forgotten password link isn't working, though, you may have other problems.

Is this a live site online or a local server?

I have found file and folder ownership/permissions and group issues when attempting to login on a local dev machine if www-data:www-data is not the user:group assigned to the website.


This is in a live environment. Thanks for the sha1 hint.

The problem seems to be that when I get the password right, it loops back round to the login page with no error. i.e., it doesn't take me to the backend.

When I get the password wrong it errors as normal.

Any idea what might be going on?

Have you upgraded the site recently?

Check Group permissions with server/hosts as a precaution.

Nope not changed anything, although I suppose something might have happened to the server.

Can you elaborate on what the group permissions should be?


It's either www-data or http group and I set my files and directories to be part of the www-data group on an Ubuntu box.. this is from a local machine for development though. What I encountered and hope I noticed this weird 'unable to login scenario' was using a port forwarding method to connect a domain name to a local IP and mahcine in the studio to play with webprojects without the hosting expense.

When I attempted to login to Symphony from a domain name i.e I was unable to login.. but I could login from local usl such as webdev/myproject. when I then changed file and folder to be owned by www-data user and www-data group I was able to login locally and via a my dev subdomain.

This might not be your case, but it's worth asking the host who has ownership of your symphony files and folders and if it's not the webserver maybe this why you can't login... worth a shot.

Are you seeing anything in your Symphony log file (/manifest/log) or your Apache server log file?

Try clearing out the sessions table of the database, and delete any cookies for the domain. Then clear the cache too.

This seems very familiar, and my answer seems very familiar too...

Can someone give me the url of the backend to see what happens if I try and go in direct, after "logging in"?

Okay seems that the system date time was stuck in the past... changing that fixed the login problem... strange!

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