
I'm working on a website for a company that requires authors from multiple locations to be able to edit content, but only for their location. There may be several sections with content they can edit.

So, a user at the New York office can create Trinkets that relate only to the New York location. Obviously, there will have to be a Locations section and a Trinkets section. How to get them to relate and how to restrict users to only creating Trinkets that relate to specific Location entries is the trick.

Any ideas? Has anyone had to create something like this before?

You should probably look into tweaking the Author Roles extension.

I suppose the other option would be to use the Members extension and rebuild a small part of the backend on the front-end, because that extension allows for greater control over what users can/can't do. But that depends a lot on your situation if that would work for you.

I just started planning an extension for this called "Aspects." It's kinda like Author Roles on steroids. I haven't decided whether I'm going to build it for my current need, or find a work around until I have time. I'll keep you posted.

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