
Hello guys.

As a beginning level Symphony user, I need some help.

I am using Symphony ver 2.2.5 and currently using the Members extension.

I have a form that logged-in members would use to create new entries on the front-end, and it had been working fine.

That is, until I tried to add a picture-upload function to the form.

Whenever I try to submit the form, I will receive an error now, and I do not understand what exactly needs to be fixed.

This is the error message I get.

<createcase result="error">
    <filter name="permission" status="passed" />
    <message>Entry encountered errors when saving.</message>
    <case-picture label="case_picture" type="invalid" message="The file uploaded is no longer available. Please check that it exists, and is readable." />
        <case-title>Title of Case</case-title>
        <case-content>Content of Case</case-content>

When I have selected a picture to upload, the <case-picture> value will change, but just as cryptic. 0es is when no file was selected prior to submission.

My form does have the enctype="multipart/form-data" and all my fields are correct.

Please help me out :(

If you try and create a new entry in the Symphony backend (rather than using the event) does it work?

Yes creating a new entry is possible from the backend.

The target upload folder has 777 permission and everything.

I still can not figure out why I'm getting the error message.

Any suggestions? :(

Does your form have the enctype="multipart/form-data" attribute?

Doh, I can read… really, I can!

My form does have the enctype="multipart/form-data" and all my fields are correct.

Could you post the form HTML perhaps?

Oh GOD. I see it now. Sorry guys, I found my mistake.

My field names were swapped :( I was giving the picture upload section a checkbox and vice versa.

I feel like arse. Thanks all for helping out :)

Let the wet noodle flogging commence!

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