

I've a question about url and url-param.

If I've a Url handle "Product" with Url param "Product-name" I get this:


But if I remove Product-name I'm in this situation: root/Catalogue/Product/ with a 404 page.

In the Seo view this isn't correct

How I can resolve this and get something like this:


Thank's, Davide

Try the URL Router extension.

Thank you very much.

I try to use this:

from catalogue/product/:product-name to catalogue/:product-name


from catalogue/product/$product-name to catalogue/$product-name

But both solutions didn't work. I've followed the doc... there's something I Wrong?

Thank's again, Davide

You should swap the from and to:

from catalogue/$product to catalogue/product/$product 

Great! m/_ tnx! Davide

Awesome :)

I've got a question about:

I see when I make redirect the url, the old url exist yet then I've got a duplicate page for the same argument.

the question I've forget is:

Is this right or there's something wrong ?!

If It's good I must "hide" the duplicate url with htacces?!

I've forced the Re-Reute. Sorry for the question :)

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