
Hi, I've got a question about multilingual in Symphony.

I've installed all extensions that let me make a multilingual site in Symphony 2.2.5 (Language Redirect, Page LHandles and Frontend Localisation).

When I create a page I set LHandles title, Localised url handle and the normal page setting (title, handle, param etc...).

Now I've got "two URL" for example:

If I write it's returned 404.

But I don't know why if I write (not home-en) the page exist.

It's possible it's using the handle of page setting instead of the Localised url handle?

Thank's Davide

In current implementation of Page LHandles it's possible to access the page with the Symphony page handle, for any language.

So if Symphony handle is home, title is Home, IT is Home IT - home-it and en is Home EN - home-en, you can access --- the Symphony handle, not the localised --- the Symphony handle, not the localised

Of course you will want to build the URL using the localised handle:

Thank's, I've understand.

For fixing this, I can use "Url router" and redirect to the localised URL, Can it be a solution?

Because in this situation I've got more than two "home page" and in Seo optical I think isn't properly correct.


I'm sorry, i think it's more simple. If I want one url generic (like "home" for example), I don't set the Localisation -__-'

Thank's Davide

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