

anyone can tell me how I can make a login with MEMBER EXTENSION?

I've created a section with Nome, Password and Role. I've created an entry in this section (with default role Public). I've activated in preferences the new section.

In my template I've inserted:

<xsl:template match="data">

<form method="post" autocomplete='off'>
        <input name="fields[{Member: Username nome}]" type="text" />
        <input name="fields[{Member: Password password}]" type="password" />

    <input name="redirect" type="hidden" value="{$current-path}" />
    <input name="member-action[login]" type="submit" value="Login" />

But it return an Invalid Expression Error.

Can you help me to use this ext or link me to any tutorial (the doc is good and I followed it step to step without results)

Thanks Davide.

    <input name="fields[nome]" type="text" />
    <input name="fields[password]" type="password" />

That should do it.


And It's possible display the username ?!

Or i must do some queries?

Once you're logged in check your param pool in ?debug mode. There should be a $member-id parameter that references the entry of the logged in user which you can use in a datasource to get all the data you need.

sorry I do it :)

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