

I've got a question about the text field, area and rich in the back-end.

I try to insert some special characters like ò à è etc. but when I save the new entry, it always returns an XSL error.

How I can fix this?!

Thanks Davide

Hi Davide,

In your data-source, when you include the text-field are you choosing field:raw or just field as the raw version does not do any encoding thus you would have XSL errors.

There is also the possibility to encode all html (via check-box) in a data-source, however this might not give you the desired flexibility.

Thanks a lot. I've selected the fiels without RAW.


hmm if you still have the problem - can you post the XSL you are using and the XML data of the field.


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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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