
Once I'd realised that ends-with() was only a function in XSLT 2, I found this Q/A indicating how to emulate it in XSLT 1.

I'm trying to display my github feed, but not display any entries that have a title ending with '(deleted)'; I thought this looked right (for the included elements in my Dynamic XML):

//atom:entry[not(substring(atom:title, string-length(atom:title)-10) = '(deleted)')]

…but it isn't. What am I missing?


Have you tried looking at what

substring(//atom:entry/atom:title, string-length(//atom:entry/atom:title)-10)

actually returns?

Hey Nils – I embarrassed to confess that I hadn't done anything that rational.

Now I have, I see that my problem's solved by changing '-10' to '-8'.


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