

Generally new to Symphony although have found great comfort in doing all the tutorials, trial and error and quite frequently breaking something...

I would however like some feedback and help.

I am attempting to tag pictures using tags in the same way that a person might tag a blog post as 'tech', 'politics'...or whatever really.

Initially I thought about doing it using sections etc, but that might just be too messy. I haven't found an extension either, but thoroughly believe there is a right way to go about this. I do realize there isn't going to be one correct answer, but would appreciate any ideas anyone has of a way that might achieve such a task.

Much thanks in advance,


How about Symphony's default "Tag List" field added to your images section?

Do you have any special requirements that this wouldn't satisfy?

Hey, thanks for the suggestion! And so timely as well.

I have done that, and also made it so/tags/param1 will bring up all the tags as filtered by that data source. Really chuffed with it.

Many thanks!


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  • MySQL 5.5 or above
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