

Is there a way to be able to make a copy of an existing section (keep the existing fields structure) and then rename the copy of the section?

I have to make 10 sections which have exactly the same field structure and I don't fancy having to input each field into each section manually.



Hey Chris,

You might fancy having a look at scaffolds install do an export & then import when creating a new section. Will give you same exact fields as before - as long as you have all extensions installed

Thanks gunglien,

That looks like exactly what I was after.


There's also the Duplicate Section extension which may be quicker for you. Scaffolds is more for storing section schemas for use in other projects.

Both just as valid though.

Thanks designermonkey, I'll have a look.

But you should also ask yourself if you really need ten sections with exactly the same fields. What are you trying to achieve?

The website is for an English Language School. This part of the site is to attach copies of homework exercises for students who have missed class. As they have numerous classes of different levels, they need to have a section which uses the same fields for each class.

um... wouldn't it be easier if you use one section and add a class field?

Using a select box or select box link field sounds better for me as well. This way it would for example also be easier to change the class of a homework: just change the value of the select box. The other way you eould have to copy all values manually. Though I don't know the bigger picture.

Questions like this all depend on the use of the admin interface. I've always been a believer of abstraction like you're suggesting, one section, multiple uses with 'types' etc.

However, if the users of the admin are not experienced in CMS use, then multiple sections makes sense. Maybe not as many multiple sections as being described though.

If the content is to be provided from the frontend however, then a single section with select boxes would be much better.

They will be accessing it through the admin interface. I'll have to look into adding a class field or a select box.

Many thanks for all the advice.

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