
Hey all,

I am needing to be able to have an "Attach file" to a contact form and for this file to be directly emailed to the recipient.

I know that I can add an "Upload file" and have that file uploaded to Symphony with the URL to the file emailed to the recipient, however, in this case I need the file to be attached to the sent email. Is there any way this can be achieved? I unfortunately cannot find an extension that seems to achieve this functionality.

Thank you for your help.

I believe Email Template Filter allows attachments, but not updated to 2.3...

Currently there is no extension that is updated and supports attachments I believe. If you know a bit of PHP it is quite easy to add attachments to an email using the setAttachments function.

Hey Lewis, thanks, luckily the version it's needed for is 2.2.5 so Email Template Filter will work on that, however, I cannot seem to find any documentation on attachment functionality so I'm guessing this is not the solution unfortunately.

I cannot seem to find any documentation

Cause it's in an awkward place, in a tutorial folder of the extension itself.

I did this a while ago but I couldn't remember how and I was finally able to find the comment regarding attachments with ETF (EMail Template Filter) because there is nothing in that tutorial regarding it.

<link rel='attachment' href='your/attachment.pdf' />

So, basically include the above line, pointing to what you want to attach, in the page in which you craft your e-mail. Follow the tutorial.

Thank you, Lewis, this seems to work, however, it seems to fail to email any data. I have followed the documentation and I have the template setup pulling in the info exactly how I want, but when I setup the form it emails with none of the data, the data stores in the section correctly though. Any ideas for why this might be the case?

Thank you for your help. :)

Sorry for asking, but have you added the Email filter to your event?

Yeah, I have, it sends the email template but with none of the data in. It also doesn't get the correct Sender Name and Senders. When I go to the template page "{$root}/email-contact-details/{$entry-id}" the data pulls in fine.

Ahhh, managed to fix it. Basically, I had added "etf" as a page type to the email template but not the actual page where the form was in. Working as wanted. :)

Thanks for you help guys.

Glad you got it working :)

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