
Hey all,

Is there a way I can create a: "if path value of 'name' is equal to the value of another value then get data"?

Below is a random example of what I'd like:

<xsl:when test="{/data/member/first-name} = {/data/public/first-name}">
    Email: <xsl:value-of select="/data/member/email-address"/>


Show us XML plz

<xsl:when test="/data/member/first-name = /data/public/first-name">

curly braces are only used when outputting values into html attributes.

Thanks but this issue with that is it only returns the first member of the data source, I want it to say if that equals that then show the email address of that statement.

Then you need <xsl:for-each select="..."> to iterate over the datasource. As @alpacaaa has asked, please provide your XML so we can tailor the result to your needs.

Also, your question didn't explain that clearly enough. Please be polite, proactive, and clear

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
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  • MySQL 5.5 or above
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