
So, I have a Text input field in my section. Call it 'price'. And I want to filter my DS by this field. For example, I want to select all entries were the 'price' is bigger or smaller than some value, or lies in between a range.
So, I'm trying to use the appropriate patterns, none of which work:

later than 1

earlier than 10

1 to 10

So, when any of these patterns is used, you would expect that the values of 'price' like 5.50, 7.50 and so on would result in match? Nope! They don't.

The only way to make a match is to use an exact number as the filter pattern like '5.50', or '7.50'.

So, it seems that Symphony (2.3 is the one I use, if it matters) looks at the values in the Text input field strictly as on strings. Is that right?
Is there any way to make it think of these values as of the digits?

Number field, perhaps?

Oops! I was digging in the wrong direction! Thanks, vladG!
I'll try this field right now.

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  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
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  • MySQL 5.5 or above
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