
Hi All,

I'm working on a project that requires users login to get access to their information.

I set this up using the Members extension (which is awesome) and everything has been going along just fine till I noticed that if People aren't logged in the data for the first user is output in the XML.

I already have a test setup in the template to check and see if a visitor is logged in and if not show a login message so they aren't seeing the data that is being returned but I felt like I should be doing more.

Right now my datasource we'll call it members info is filtering Users by {$member-id}.

I've looked around and have not been able to find anything about being able to require login before a datasource will return any data. Got any ideas?

This probably happens because $member-id is empty when the user is not logged in. So you should either set the $member-id parameter as required (there is a setting in the DS editor) or let the filter default to something like 0 using the enumerator syntax {$member-id:0}. This way you are trying to find a user entry with the system-id 0 which does not exist.

AH! YES! I was way over thinking that. Thank you very much.

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