
First off, I'm a bit frustrated and at my wits end, that I am having great difficulty in fixing such a small and basic thing (getting JIT to work on a new install of Symphony 2.3). So, if I in anyway come across as frustrated, please forgive me.

I keep getting the following error when I try to display an image with JIT rules attached to them (ex.

Error generating image, failed to create cache file.

I just installed a fresh copy of Symphony 2.3 with JIT 1.15. I've activated that extension and have properly added my domain name in the trusted sites.**

I've checked the .htaccess and it seems to have the record setup properly.

RewriteRule ^image/(.+.(jpg|gif|jpeg|png|bmp))$ extensions/jit_image_manipulation/lib/image.php?param=$1 [L,NC]

Any thoughts on what I could be missing? Has anyone else run across this error?

Like I said, SIMPLE. Figured it out. Boy, I need more coffee or something. Forgive me for missing something so simple.

The permissions on the manifest/cache and manifest/tmp folder needed to be set to 777.

i often use an image app to c# generate images for me, so won't be a problem to me. i was wondering whether you can find something in those codes.

folder permission with 0755 seems to be more than enough. I don't know why 0777 is needed while installing, afterwards you could change to 0755 or less(group/anybody) again.

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