
Hi everyone.

I hope someone can please help I am trying to retrieve a password from the sym_authors table via the default /symphony/ admin area login page. The password retrieval form doesn't seem to sending a reset email.

The password looks to be a 40 char string from old databases backups to which I have access. How is this string generated? If I can manually generate this string myself then update the database password field I am assuming I should then be able to log in ok but I'm not sure how to generate it. It's not an MD5 hash obviously as it'd be 32 chars.

Please help, left me in a right muddle this has! I didn't build the website myself and don't have the admin user's password either as the guy who built it is no longer contactable.

Thanks in advance!

If you MD5 a password of your choice and drop that into the password column of your user in the DB, that will allow you to log in.

Will it not be SHA1 for any newer Symphony version?

Sorry, that's right (stupid me).

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