

I've always had problem with session hierarchy managment in Symphony. Here is what I mean:

Let's have 4 sections: planets / continents / countries / regions.

Every continent points at planet, country points at continent etc...

I missed a nice and user-friendly way of managing this kind of stuff.

Available solutions: 1. Subsection manager -> great extension, but not a good solution to deal with deeply-nested subcategories. 3. Selectbox link field -> this is cool, however, many issues arise. First of all: let's say we have a list of regions in USA (Texas, California, etc). Selecbox link filters regions so that only those of USA are visible. When we go to some region, and edit it, there is no way to go back to filetered list of USA regions. Second of all, when we click "save" button and then click on "View all entries" link, we go to unfiltered list of all regions, which makes this extension totally unusable. Those two flaws -> possibility of listing all elements (without filtering) and problem with getting back in hierarchy (and generally traversing it) made me make some enhancement to selectbox link field.

I had to tamper a little bit with core of Symphony to get something like this:

Login: symphony Pass: symphony

Please, help yourself, try it out, and do not remove entries ;P

This little "extension" creates breadcrumbs making easy to traverse a hierarchy and, modifies "View all entries" link. When you edit/add some entry and click on "View all entries", you will get back to parent section with filtered list of elements. Therefore, there is no possibility (except for directly written URL) to see an unfiltered list of entries which belong to some parent category.

This may have bugs of course, it was written very fast but I urgently needed this functionality so there was no time to waste.

I'm curious to listen to your opinion on this "extension" (not an extension in its "Symphony" meaning).

Your website is blacklisted. My browser issues a warning not to load the page because of malware.

Damn it, I see it too now. There is definitely too much rubbish on this domain. Could some admin close this thread? I will do it right on some other hosting/domain and then repost.

Can you simply remove the link please?

Everything is fine now!

You can test :) I've changed account to the clean one.

Second of all, when we click "save" button and then click on "View all entries" link, we go to unfiltered list of all regions, which makes this extension totally unusable.

The select box link field is not 'totally unusable' at all. Also, a fix for this has been added for release with 2.3.1, I am also working on the relationships topic at present to fix things like this properly.

Right. I've had a look, and I really like what you've done with the breadcrumbs there. I'd like you to show me a list of the changes you had to make to the core (a github commit history would be perfect). Also, can you take me through what exactly your extension is/does?

These might well have been the sum total of the ideas I suggested to "fix" relationships with the SBL field back in Cologne last year, but never got around to implementing :-)

  • filtered SBL
  • breadcrumbs and journeys within Symphony retain the correct paths
  • (using 2.3's drawer to list "child" entries, might be a nice addition)

designermonkey, I will clean up the code and create a repo on github with this in a couple of days. But I must finish my project first.

nickdunn, what do you mean by 2.3's drawer?

2.3's has the ability to open a horizontal or vertical drawer in the UI. Try out Dashboard, Documenter or Publish Filtering extensions for examples of it being used.$symphonydrawer/

Thanks for offering to do that Rudy, I await with baited breath!

Have we got any further on this? I'm really interested in seeing some code for this. My work is progressing and I really want to incorporate some of this.

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