
Here is a little issue, which would make using Symphony more comfortable I think.

I often must design a website with some kind of sidebar, which shows up on almost every page of website. There are 20 pages, so I send sidebar XSLT code to a seperate utility. Now, this sidebar uses data from some datasource, let's say "Contact data". The thing is that I must add datasource "Contact data" in all 20 pages seperately, which is quite cumbersome.

If there was a list of pickable pages in a datasource edit page, this would make world nicer :)

What do you think?

In 2.3 this is already available - you can now select quite easily to add datasources to the pages you would like.

For anything prior then that there is an extension that does the trick. Quick DS

Thanks for info!


In 2.3 this is already available

Technically not. From the list view, you can add a multiple datasources to a single page. What I think Rudy is asking for is to add (via the edit view) a single datasource to multiple pages.

We have got an open ticket for that here, and to help get things like this in the core, it helps to get votes on the issue. Please add your comments to get it in there.

I was confused by the 'solution' myself - looking up and down the Data Source page for this mystical list of pages I can multi-select from.

Was sad to read you reply @designermonkey - as this would be a great feature. I'm in the same boat as OP - just created a new datasource that will feed into every page, so now I have to go into every page and add it in.

[...] so now I have to go into every page and add it in.

You cannot add a single datasource to multiple pages, but you can add one or more datasources to all the pages.

So, assuming that it's needed on every existing page, you can attach your new datasource to every page using the "With selected" menu in the Data Sources list view.

@eKoeS Thank you!!!

Or you can use the Global Resource Loader extension :)

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
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  • MySQL 5.5 or above
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