
Hi all!

I have an issue with the menu that was generated dynamically from the page structure.

The website has a top level menu with all the pages at level 0. Problem is with the Url part of the menu. It takes the relative path and appends my website address before the url field content and creates the complete link for that menu item.

This is causing issue if I would like to point that page to an external site say http://www/... address.

It is appending my website address before the Url field content and creating a link similar to

I would much appreciate if anyone can point me to the relevant file that appends my site url?


I would much appreciate if anyone can point me to the relevant file that appends my site url?

Pretty much impossible without seeing your code — every Symphony site is different. However the most likely place for this would be somewhere like:


Thanks nickdunn for your reply.

I am new to Symphony and could not find the above file on my file structure.

The code that was used at template level to include menu was:

<?php include_component('page', 'menu', array('level' => 0, 'menuHtmlId' => 'main-nav', 'linkId' => true)) ?>

Not sure if this information will help in any way?

That looks more like a Symfony project to me. This forum is about the Symphony CMS.

Are you looking at the right Symphony? Do you mean Symfony?

Funny. That's just the kind of mistake Apple Siri might make, too. :-)

Apologies !!! yes, its my mistake just like Apple Siri does:)

Sorry guys for wasting your time!

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