

Talking about a standard DS. I want to filter entries by their system id's.
Assume the name of the parameter is 'id'.
So, the classical way would be just to set the filter pattern to:


The problem is, that if the parameter does not exist, all the entries are returned.
But I want it to return no entries in that case.
I tried different patterns, and the only one which seem to work is:

{$id} to {$id}

I wonder, may be it is just a coincidence, and the results will not be consistent through Symphony or php or whatever versions changes? Also, I wonder why the other patterns did not work, like:

regexp: {$id}


equal to {$id}

The two above never match.

Use parameters fallback: {$id:0}


Or, even better; there is an option for that! It's below the filtering, look for "return no results when parameter is not set".

Hm, I don't see anything like "return no results when parameter is not set" in my data sources setup. Is it added to some newer than 2.3 Symphony version?


Add a parameter, and if it isn't set, no results will be returned.

Ah! I keep forgetting about this "Required URL Parameter" thing.
The fact that it is placed in the "Output Options" part of the form always confuses me.

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