
Just wondering if it's at all possible to have multilingual section and field names.

Haven't been able to find any extensions capable of adding the multilingual section name functionality. Even just an option to separate a section name from its handle would be grand. How difficult would this be to add given the current way sections are defined? I'm not much of a PHP programmer but could have a crack at it if there's not too much scary database fiddling.

Did find the Multilingual Fieldlabel for the field side of things but that seems broken in Sym 2.3 resulting in blank admin pages once enabled.

I searched before asking that question, I swear.

Aside from the informative ongoing discussion about how to include multilanguage in the core, further research has turned up the Handle section editor. Not exactly multilingual but enough of a temporary solution.

It was last updated a year ago but seems to work in my Symphony 2.3 install if you save the section first without specifying a handle. If the section has already been saved then editing the handle seems to work fine.

Spent the last few hours trying to update it myself to a fully-working 2.3-compatible version and think I've narrowed the only bug down to $section_id not being added to the Symphony::Database() call in the last function.

Between just beginning to get my head around GitHub these last few days and not really knowing what I'm doing with the Symphony API I'm a bit lost.

Although this probably isn't the best place to ask, how do you get the current section_id from the SectionPreCreate or SectionPreEdit delegates?

(Please excuse the n00bness)

Have a look at the api docs. The PreCreate would never have the ID since it fires before it is created. maybe if you want the ID in that case you could look for postcreate. On the other hand PreEdit provides a $section_id variable

Thanks for the tip. Been looking over the API on and off for a while now but still getting to grips with the architecture of the whole thing and trying to recall what latent PHP knowledge is buried in my brain.

Have hacked together an experimental update of Tarakanoff's Handle section editor and it's working just enough in Sym 2.3 for my purposes at the moment.

Currently just allows direct editing of the section handle but does no error checking for duplicate or malformed handle input.

Would like to add this but not sure how to go about it. If anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great.

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