
I'm a web designer who trying out symphony as a main CMS solution for my clients(deciding between wordpress, joomla 3.0, and symphony).

I didn't see a forum extension listed, but there is this one here? Are these boards a forum extension for symphony, or is it running vanilla?


As far as I know its running Symphony, however since it was one of the very first builds there were some customizations.

In symphony you do not need extensions to create a forum, you'd rather build your own sections with the help of Members Extension shouldn't be too difficult. Also if you look around in Downloads > Ensambles there should be what is called Forum Ensamble whilst not updated to the latest version (and probably wouldn't b recommended if building now) you could use that as your starting point to see how you could possibly build one.

There is a Forum extension and a Forum ensemble. Both of these need some work to update them for compatibility with the latest versions of Symphony.

Our legacy agency site was built on Symphony and is using the Members extension and the Forum extension as part of our intranet which is still in use by our agency. The complete site architecture for the agency intranet has not been officially released, but it is available as the builders collective ensemble.

I have been waiting for several extension dependencies to be updated before tackling the effort to update the ensemble for Symphony 2.3. With Alistair Kearney's recent updates to the ASDC extension, there is only the Members extension that needs to be updated for Symphony 2.3. If there is some interest in the project, I can perhaps raise the priority of the project on my to do list.

Doesn't look like the members extension works with symphony 2.3

Actually, the current integration branch, Members 1.2 RC2, works with Symphony 2.3

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
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