
When I run my site on PHP 5.3.17 I keep getting a 500 error when I try to go to any of the page of the site. When I try to access the index or any other page, symphony will redirect me to however i am able to login to the symphony back end for some reason

When I run my site on PHP 5.2.17 everything works fine... Any Ideas? I know the recommended version for symphony is 5.3 so I'm not sure why it isn't working properly.

@koolaid - what version of Symphony are you running?

2.2.5.... I have been trying to upgrade to 2.3 and I have the same issue with version 2.3 as 2.2.5.

Also to get 5.3.17 I have to use an Apache handler "AddHandler application/x-httpd-php53 .php .php5 .php4 .php3" at the top of my root .htaccess, if that makes a difference.

Every time I see a Error 500 my first instinct is a broken .htaccess file. Are you sure your AddHandler application/x-httpd-php53 .php .php5 .php4 .php3 isn't breaking things?

I don't believe so, when I run phpinfo() with the application handler I get version 5.3.17. When I remove the aplication handler phpinfo() returns 5.2.17.

The site that is running symphony is a add-on domain in CPanel to my regular website running Symphony), which has the .htaccess file with the application handler.

Then has Symphony's out of the box .htaccess file in is the default file for symphony. is really a folder under

Most likely its an issue of how the host handles php 5.3.17 a lot of Shared Hosts have used some fancy scripts for swapping the default php handler by user.

@koolaid - Where are you hosting your site? Is there a way that you can set your default PHP version as 5.3.x instead of having to add AddHandler?

If your host's default version of PHP is 5.2.17, then you should highly encourage your host to update it's version of PHP since the 5.2.x branch is no longer supported and has reached end of life (in December 2012, it will be two years since the support of PHP 5.2.x was dropped). It would be to their benefit as well as yours to provide a stable and supported branch of PHP... either 5.3.x or 5.4.x.

I am hosted with

I spoke with them last night and the only way for me to have 5.3.x by default is to upgrade to a vps server which is like 10 times as much so I would probably move to another host.

I was just wondering if anyone new of any issues with Symphony and 5.3.17


Last I knew there wasn't complete support for Symphony and PHP 5.4.X

I'm guessing this is shared hosting. Do you know if PHP is running as an Apache module or as CGI?

If it is shared hosting then they'll probably be using suPHP or suEXEC as a wrapper so this can complicate things but it should still be possible to run normally on that setup.

Then has Symphony's out of the box .htaccess file in is the default file for symphony. is really a folder under

I'd imagine you'd need to add the AddHandler rule to this htaccess file too as they should be treated as separate sites in that respect even though the second domain appears to be within the first.

Which host is this by the way?

i switched host and i am now a server with php 5.3.10. I was able to upgrade to 2.3.1 pretty successfully although I can't access my datasource because I get a Symphony Fatal Error(which I'll make another post about).

Thanks guys for your help

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