
Hi all !

I would like to know how to create a form with a DELETE button without coding in PHP ?

It seems I cannot use events as long as it holds CREATE and UPDATE only.

Do you confirm ?

I precise that I want to provide a front-end user form listing articles and allowing user deleting it straight from the list.

Thank for any help !

Thanks Nick but it is exactly what I am not looking for.

According to this post, there is no way to delete an entry without some PHP code. This is not supported because of some security issues. What are these issues ?

I found a way by making a form pointing to a kind of url like this one : http://mywebsite/symphony/publish/news/id/

And with a submit button with "action[delete]" as name.

It works but the problem is the "redirect" hidden input field does not so I always return to the symphony interface.

It is a bit of shame that the CRUD pattern is not fully implemented. I found SymphonyCMS a great framework for building state of art REST SOA web applications but there are some crucial functions missing like this one.

I read in the post that the team was thinking about a kind of DeleteEvent. Is it still something you are workingon ?


If you don't put the redirect in and you wont leave the page you are on. or am I wrong? I created a delete event I use and it doesnt forward me anywhere it just reloads the page I am on.

With or without the redirection, I am redirected to the form url. I think this is normal because I am using a symphony's internal form not intended to be used from a front end form.

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