
I am using the DS-Pagination utility to great effect but want to add a 'view all' link to see all the entries in a particular category.

Would there be a typical way I would go about disabling pagination if I had a url param, say 'all'

Thanks Jamie

It certainly is possible, you can either change the limit-parameter and instead of using max 20 you use a parameter and default to 20. then set this to a very large number (so all posts would show).

If you prefer an all feature you would have to do some minor customization on the data-source, so when the parameter is all you disable the pagination. (in this case you wouldn't be able to edit the data-source from the back-end and would require a little php knowledge)

There might be an easier way to get the all feature but I'm not knowledgeable about it... so I'll wait for some replies from more experienced guys.

In Datasource settings set the limit parameter to {$url-per-page:20}.

This will tell Symphony: if $url-per-page is set, use it's value, else use 20.

The, the View all link will look like this

<a href="?per-page=99999">View all</a>

Setting a very high value ensures all entries are fetched.

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