

I am running Symphony 2.3.1 locally on MAMP and I noticed that large images can't be displayed using JIT. I simply see question marks where I should see images.

When I upload smaller versions of those images, let's say 400 x 300 pixels instead of 4000 x 3000 pixels, everything works as expected.

Can anybody tell my what I am missing here?

Thanks for any help.

It uses an enormous amount of memory to resize large images like that, I think MAMP's default is pretty low. You'll need to up your memory limit that MAMP is set to. I think the file can be found here:


There's some pretty good instructions here.

Oh excellent, thanks so much! Looks like I will have to upgrade to MAMP Pro though...

This has happened to me a number of times already. Now I know why :-)

Edit: OK, turns out this works on the basic MAMP (rather than MAMP Pro) too. I found this quite helpful. I increased the memory_limit to 256M and everything works fine now.

Good! Sorry I wasn't more clear about that. Glad you didn't upgrade only for that!

To posterity: remember to clear the cache of your browser after you have increased the memory limit, otherwise you won’t notice any change and think it’s still not working… it took me a while to figure it out it was due to that!

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