
Hi All,

I have a question about setting up a multilanguage section, I'm new to Symphony CMS and I'm struggling to find the best way to set up a multilingual structure. I have fields that need different languages, and fields that don't (like images). I thought it would be a good idea to use subsection tabs for the multilanguage fields, and "normal" fields for the non multilanguage data.

This gives me output as such:

    <section id="15" handle="nieuwsberichten">Nieuwsberichten</section>
    <entry id="42">
        <item name="nl" handle="nl" id="43">
          <title handle="nieuwsbericht-test-2">Nieuwsbericht Test 2</title>
        <item name="en" handle="en" id="44">
          <title handle="news-test-2">News Test 2</title>
      <entry-date iso="2013-01-22T14:08:00+01:00" time="14:08" weekday="2" offset="+0100">2013-01-22</entry-date>
      <hoofd-afbeelding size="301 KB" path="/uploads/algemeen" type="image/jpeg">
        <meta creation="2013-01-22T14:11:01+01:00" width="1920" height="1080" />
      <home-crop cropped="yes" x1="841" x2="1739" y1="524" y2="1028" width="898" height="505" ratio="1.78" />
    <entry id="36">
        <item name="nl" handle="nl" id="34">
          <title handle="nieuwsbericht-test-1">Nieuwsbericht Test 1</title>
        <item name="en" handle="en" id="35">
          <title handle="newspost-test">Newspost Test</title>
      <entry-date iso="2013-01-22T13:41:00+01:00" time="13:41" weekday="2" offset="+0100">2013-01-22</entry-date>
      <hoofd-afbeelding size="139 KB" path="/uploads/algemeen" type="image/jpeg">
        <meta creation="2013-01-22T13:57:45+01:00" width="920" height="670" />
      <home-crop cropped="yes" x1="172" x2="739" y1="172" y2="491" width="567" height="319" ratio="1.78" />

The problem is that I don't know how to link to a detail page from here without a title for the entry (I don't wan't to use the entry id). If I use the title that is here: entry/talen/item/title/@handle I won't have the non multilingual data available I think?

I have been trying to pass a title parameter to the news detail page data sources tabs: alt text

But the result is:

    <section id="15" handle="nieuwsberichten">Nieuwsberichten</section>
    <error>No records found.</error>

How do you guys do this kind of thing?


Ah, I think I got it! The filter should be: title:{$title}

Schermafbeelding 2013-01-22 om 16.40.34.png

Hello Sanity11,

is there any particular reason why you’re not relying on the various multilingual fields developed by the fantastic duo Vlad Ghita and Guillem Lorman in favor of Subsection Tab?

If you’re not familiar with multilanguage in Symphony, here you can find a rough overview of the current standard way of setting it up which could be of some help.

Moreover—if I remember well and I’m not wrong—Subsection Tab is a field type bundled in the extension Subsection Manger, which has been recently deprecated….

Ah! Thanks! I will look into that right now.

@theBigMandarino I'm changing my structure now, before everything is completely setup. This made the process of building my first Symphony cms simpler. Thanks for that!

@Sanity11, indeed the multilingual fields are the easiest to work with; though it might take some re-building from your end if you had already constructed everything.

@Sanity11, you’re welcome! Having to change the structure now that it was almost finished could take away your motivation a little, but I think it will surely simplify your work later while shaping the front end.

Moreover I think that not relying on Subsection Tab for handling the multilingual contents it’s a safer option: since the support of Subsection Manager has been discontinued, you could find yourself in troubles in the future if you have to update Symphony to a new version. It’s better to change an empty content structure now than one filled up with contents later….

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