
Hi All,

Is it possible to filter the datasource in such way it only returns one language (the active language):

    <pagination total-entries="1" total-pages="1" entries-per-page="20" current-page="1" />
    <section id="20" handle="aanleveren">Aanleveren</section>
    <entry id="49">
        <item name="nl" handle="nl" id="48">
          <title handle="ftp-inloggen">FTP Inloggen</title>
          <omschrijving-kort mode="formatted"><p>Dit is een omschrijving in het NL</p>
          <stappen field-id="68" subsection-id="19" items="2">
            <item id="47">
              <title handle="stap-1">Stap 1</title>
              <omschrijving mode="formatted"><p>Met een omschrijving.</p>
            <item id="50">
              <title handle="stap-2">Stap 2</title>
              <omschrijving mode="formatted"><p>Met een omschrijving.</p>
        <item name="en" handle="en" id="53">
          <title handle="english-title">English Title</title>
          <omschrijving-kort mode="formatted"><p>With short description.</p>
          <stappen field-id="68" subsection-id="19" items="2">
            <item id="51">
              <title handle="step-1">Step 1</title>
              <omschrijving mode="formatted">With description.</omschrijving>
            <item id="52">
              <title handle="step-2">Step 2</title>
              <omschrijving mode="formatted">With description.</omschrijving>
        <created iso="2013-01-24T09:20:41+01:00" time="09:20" weekday="4" offset="+0100">2013-01-24</created>
        <modified iso="2013-01-24T09:22:03+01:00" time="09:22" weekday="4" offset="+0100">2013-01-24</modified>

I have this data coming in for an article, loading every language (subsection tabs), regardless of the active language. It would be great if I can leave out the language that isn't desired.

So your articles are already filtered by language but the related entries for the article, which came from ... subsection manager (?), are not?

Or it is an easier scenario: you have a section of articles and you want to filter them by current language.

EDIT: You have defined your various languages for an article entry by subsection tabs like "en", "nl", etc., so you have multiple "title"s in those each "subsections" and so on?

Hi Juro,

Thanks for you response, after reading a response from theBigMandario to another Multi Language related question I posted here. I started changing the method I have implemented Multi Language. Still, I would be interested to know if it's possible. This page actually filters on the subsection manager field with: title:{$title}. Is it possible to eh... say, double filter it and add a filter for just "en" for example?

Still learning Symphony you see :).

Hi Sanity11,

no problem :), you are welcome, I am also learning ;) I think with firstly rearranging your data structure with the support of advised multilingual extensions will get you further and alter the scenarios (that is also filters) you will be then successfully solving.

In particular, I have never used the Subsection Tab, so I can not aid you with filtering scenarios for that. For multilingual sites I have used Frontend Localisation and other related extensions. Ok, sometime I have tried out various concepts and used Subsection Manager (not Tab) as a language selection tool and did entries filtering based on that. There is lot of room to play. But be sure to check the multilingual tools.

Good luck!

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